Friday, March 5, 2010

Whoa. Whoa.

Biggest two weeks in the history of everything ever. Taking some time downtown tomorrow to catch up on this blogging business. Expect new content soon! Also, I think I'm moving over to WordPress. My friend (find her blog in my "Good Folks" section- Remix our Lives) just made the move and is loving it. So we'll see how ambitious I'm feeling tech-wise come tomorrow morning.

In other news, I am seeing the delightful, marvelous, and always inspiring Basia Bulat live tonight for the very first time! I've been waiting to see her for close to three years now, and couldn't be more excited. Especially when I see things like this:

And this:

I miss the blogosphere! Maybe now that the Olympics are over and I'm not hung over for the first time in 3 weeks, I will be able to make this thing count again.

ALSO: If you tweet, follow me! I'll return the favor! You can track me down under the name Man_Descending. If you don't tweet, it's friends off.

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